Mexican cuisine is not only world famous, it is extensive and is a faithful reflection of the national idiosyncrasy. It is not surprising that among the various options it offers, there are dishes with peculiar names that deserve to be explained. We are talking about Swiss enchiladas, which have nothing to do with Swiss, and the Cuban sandwich, which is not the same as the one created in Florida, USA.
Everything seems to indicate that Swiss enchiladas were created during the beginnings of a famous Mexican restaurant chain. A chef came up with the idea of putting cream in the green sauce of some enchiladas and cheese on top. Upon seeing this creation, the owner of the chain, Mr. Sanborn, commented that the dish reminded him of the snowy landscape of the Swiss Alps… and the name stuck.
On the other hand, the Cuban sandwich was born on Cuba Street, in the center of Mexico City and is a celebration of pork since it contains ham, chorizo, pork leg, pork cheese and other pork things, although its consumption has spread throughout the country so ingredients have been added but the principle is the same: a lot of pork.