Green World

Rainy Season in the Mexican Caribbean

The rainy season in the Mexican Caribbean is from June to November and Sunset World hotels announce that they are ready to receive their members and guests with fully functional facilities prepared for eventualities, in which case we inform our members and guests about risks through five alert levels that indicate the actions that must […]

Green World

World Sea Turtle Day: Preserving Marine Biodiversity

World Sea Turtle Day is June 16 and has been celebrated since 1909. Sea turtles represent a very ancient lineage of species that has endured on Earth for the last 200 million years, becoming living witnesses of marine history. In addition to their ecological importance, sea turtles have deep cultural significance and attract considerable tourist interest.

Green World

June 1st: World Reef Day

World Reef Awareness Day is a private initiative that promotes knowledge and conservation of coral reef ecosystems, and has been celebrated every year on June 1 since 2019. Known as the rainforests of the sea, reefs are living organisms that provide food and shelter to many forms of marine life, which in turn provide food […]

Isla Contoy: Sea Turtle Sanctuary

Green World

Isla Contoy: Sea Turtle Sanctuary

The paradisiacal Contoy Island in the municipality of Isla Mujeres in Quintana Roo, recently became a Natural Protected Area with the category of sea turtle nesting sanctuary, making it one of the 17 Mexican beaches that have been catalogued as sanctuaried by the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat). Contoy Island´s protected area […]

Green World

The Beaches of Isla Mujeres Obtain Platinum Certification

Isla Mujeres is one of the most visited destinations in Quintana Roo and a Pueblo Mágico (Magical Town) declared by the Mexican Ministry of Tourism and has just obtained a new certification thanks to the protection and conservation of its beaches. The Mexican Institute for Standardization and Certification of Beaches A.C. awarded a total of […]

Green World

Discover the Positive Side of Sargasso

We know that sargasso in Cancun and the Riviera Maya has become a matter of concern for tourists who decide to vacation in the Mexican Caribbean, but it is important to understand that it it’s a natural phenomenon and that its increase is due to Earth’s current climate conditions. Each year, intense cleaning works are […]

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